SET-65A torpedo on display in the museum of the Gidropribor research institute.
Source: V. Zamyatin and E. Erokhin, -
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The SET-65 is a heavyweight torpedo of Soviet origin. It is an acoustic homing torpedo introduced in 1965 for use against submarines, including deep diving nuclear submarines. SET-65 is launched from both surface ships and submarines. It is fitted with an electric motor and over time various homing systems were developed. The SET-65 is a free running torpedo and serves as the basis for the TEST-71 series of wire guided torpedoes. SET-65 is one of the most widely used Soviet Cold War era torpedoes and remains in use today.
The SET-65 Yenot-2 is the successor of the SET-53 Yenot-1 torpedo. The SET-65 is faster, longer ranged and has a more capable seeker.
The TEST-71 is a wire guided derivative of the SET-65M. It became the standard wire guided torpedo in Soviet service.
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