A number of expended ex-Polish RPG-75 launchers seen in collapsed and extended form.
Source: www.galloinc.com -
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The RPG-75 is a late Cold War era rocket launcher of Czechoslovak origin. It is a single shot disposable weapon for use against armored vehicles. Although it looks somewhat similar to the American M72 LAW and Soviet RPG-18 it functions in a different manner.
The RPG-75 uses a two piece launcher that is extended before firing. Unlike the M72 LAW it is not a true rocket launcher. It functions more akin to a recoilless rifle, but is pre-packaged and for a single use only. Only the warhead exits the launch tube and the expulsion device remains in the disposable launch tube. The flip up sights consist of diopter rear sight and transparent front sight with range markings.
The RPG-75 fires a single HEAT warhead which penetrates about 300 mm RHA. This was suitable against Cold War era tanks, but not against modern ones. The effective range is 300 m against static targets and 200 m against moving targets.
The RPG-75 was adopted in large number by Czechoslovakia. It was exported, but saw limited adoption. Poland acquired post Soviet era derivatives for special forces use, including the thermobaric warhead model. The RPG-75 was also acquired by Ukraine following the rearmament effort after the occupation of Crimea.
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